印度 is projected to be the one of the fastest growing economies in the world which is in line with 印度’s ambitions of becoming a $5 trillion economy in the next few years. 虽然新冠疫情减缓了印度的增长速度, 就像世界上其他地方一样, it did cause businesses to focus on supply chain resilience and create opportunities for 印度 to become a global manufacturing hub.


不仅如此, 在过去的十年左右, 印度 has emerged as an entrepreneurial hub; technology, 电子商务, 金融服务占了资金流动的大部分.


尽管2022年全球逆风和供应链受阻, 印度制造业今年呈现持续增长势头. 印度已成为全球第二大最受追捧的制造业中心, 归因于印度经营环境的改善, 成本竞争力, 劳动力成本低, 有丰富的人才储备,并能成功地满足外包需求, 在成为全球首选的制造业中心方面,向中国又迈进了一步.

印度制造业的机会是巨大的, especially since a number of key initiatives have been taken by the government in the last year.

The government’s flagship programmes such as Make in 印度 and the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme have benefitted the sector as well as the government’s commitment to a planned expenditure of INR 2.75万亿卢比用于制造业.

High quality infrastructure is imperative to promote supply chain efficiency for manufacturing. The government is working on the National Infrastructure Pipeline scheme for rapid infrastructure growth with a $1.4万亿用于公路、铁路、港口、机场和工业走廊. Another such example is the National Industrial Corridor Development Programme (NICDP) to provide multi-modal connectivity for cities.

印度 has streamlined its tax systems like the Good and 服务 Tax (GST) and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), brought several reforms to its labour laws to assist 印度 in becoming a manufacturing hub.


印度的农业部门, 价值3700亿美元, continues to remain the main source of livelihood for over 40 per cent of the population and contributes 19.占全国GDP的9%(2021财年). 然而, the sector needs structural changes to increase growth and productivity aided by technology-based modernisation – which means that agritech has a great role to play to plug supply chain inefficiencies, 缺乏基础设施,数字采用率低. Several recent reports peg 印度’s agritech market to reach at potential of $24bn to $35 bn by 2025.

整体, the agritech ecosystem has attracted a surge of startups in 印度 offering technology-based solutions for the entire agricultural value chain, 从仓储和运输服务, 作物和种子, 农业技术. 印度 currently has over 1300 agriculture startups to increase efficiency and productivity in the sector.


The FoodTech market in 印度 has experienced remarkable growth in the last few years and investors are bullish. The sector can be mainly categorised into two segments – the online food delivery business and the online grocery market. 这两个部分在大流行期间和大流行后都出现了快速增长. 快速的城市化推动了该行业的增长, 工人阶级城市青年的崛起, 越来越多地采用智能手机和技术, 互联网普及率高.

预计到2000年,印度将成为第三大消费乐博彩票官方app. 到2025年,在线食品业务的总价值预计将达到150亿美元.


印度的金融科技行业是世界第三大,仅次于美国和中国. 印度是全球金融科技采用率最高的国家,达到87%. 这个行业的增长潜力是巨大的. 印度的金融科技已经发展到涵盖传统银行业的各个领域, 保险, 零售, 无纸化借贷, 手机银行, 安全的支付网关, 手机钱包.

印度's payments infrastructure has seen substantial improvements recently with the introduction of new payment mechanisms such as Immediate Payments Service (IMPS), 统一支付接口(UPI), 印度货币接口(BHIM), 和其他人. The government's "Make in 印度" and "Digital 印度" projects have also played a significant role in the rise of FinTech as has the rise of innovation driven FinTech startups, 手机和互联网的广泛普及, 年轻人口.


世界正在关注“中国加一”政策. 未来十年,将有5亿印度人进入中产阶级, this will be the largest growth of the middle class anywhere in the world fuelling massive domestic demand and purchasing power. 印度正在向金融科技等几个新兴行业提供慷慨的补贴, 教育, 医疗保健, 采用绿色技术, 农业和制造业以及能源部门. 印度 plans to build robust supply chains globally and also build massive infrastructure capacity through planned expenditure to fuel this growth, making sure that foreign capital is looking at 印度 as investment destination at par with 中国.


We at 乐博彩票官方app商业 believe we can help Swedish companies tap into 印度's market and provide the right platform for advice and information. 我们在印度的团队了解当地情况, 专业知识, 建立关系网,帮助你拓展业务.