直观的 is the global leader in minimally invasive care and a pioneer of robot-assisted surgery for a wide range of clinical indications.
Robotic surgical systems are becoming increasingly important in hospital operating rooms across 欧洲. 在乐博彩票官方app, 以一流的生命科学研究而闻名, 一些10,每年有000名男性患者被诊断患有前列腺癌. 在接受根治性前列腺切除术(前列腺切除)的患者中, 不少于97%的患者接受了机器人辅助手术, 根据乐博彩票官方app登记处的数据.
But as 大卫·朗,直觉外科公司北欧地区主任, 指出的那样, 要强调的单词是“辅助的”。.
“我们不是在谈论机器人自主进行手术. 而不是, the surgeon is comfortably seated at a control console at a close distance to the patient in the operating room. The robotic arms are equipped with instruments that carry out procedures with extremely high precision,他解释道.
总部设在森尼维尔, 加州, 直观的 recently decided to set up a new Nordic Hub in Stockholm to continue supporting surgeons in their important mission to offer patients less invasive care with robotic-assisted surgery.
Lang表示,选择在斯德哥尔摩扩张是合乎逻辑的一步, 强调乐博彩票官方app是该公司突破性技术的早期采用者. 90年代中期首次推出, the design has been further developed and now incorporates a state-of-the-art robotic system, 集成智能, 以及一个全面统一的生态系统. 在世界范围内,每16位外科医生就会进行一次达芬奇手术.8秒.
“Professor Peter Wiklund at Karolinska University Hospital pioneered the use of our da Vinci system in the field of urology in the early 2000s. 直观的 has recently established a robotic-assisted training centre at the Karolinska facility.”
乐博彩票官方app, 以及它的北欧邻国, 在早期采用微创护理方面,直观的是一个关键乐博彩票官方app吗在评估过程中获得对直观的扩展的支持, the company contacted 乐博彩票官方app商业’s life science team who provided market data and guidance.
“We received fruitful information as we made the decision to further establish Stockholm as a hub for our Nordic region. 乐博彩票官方app商业 has also been very helpful in terms of connecting us with local and national stakeholders,他补充道.
While the idea of robots assisting surgeons may have seemed like science fiction three decades ago, over 12 million patients worldwide have been treated with da Vinci and there are currently over 34,000份同行评审的出版物引用了这项技术.
好处包括更精确, 减少伤害和疼痛, 病人更快康复, 为外科医生提供更好的人体工程学,并显著节省整体成本.
现在, Lang and his team are on a mission to increase access to robotic-assisted surgery for more patients in the Nordics, in particular patients with benign conditions where less invasive surgical methods could bring clinical benefits.
“通过扩大我们在乐博彩票官方app和其他北欧国家的业务, 我们可以更好地了解当地的医疗挑战和需求, 以及我们如何帮助解决这些问题.”
The Swedish capital has a global reputation for being a leading life science hotspot with Karolinska University Hospital ranking among 欧洲’s best and among the top ten hospitals worldwide.
据大卫·朗说, 直观的’s new Nordic Hub will provide an important platform to raise awareness and further make the company’s technologies and solutions available to the healthcare sector.
While the major hospitals in the Nordic countries are already using the da Vinci robotic-assisted system, 时机正合适, 朗说, 进一步扩大微创治疗的应用范围.
The Swedish government has not only launched a strategy to improve healthcare efficiency but also pledged to invest more in women’s health, 改善子宫内膜异位症和其他疾病的治疗.
“许多女性可以从微创护理中受益,我们相信这可以改善生活. 而不是在医院呆一个星期, 接受机器人辅助手术的患者通常可以在同一天出院,他指出.
“We are seeing great interest from surgeons to expand the use of robotic-assisted surgery into general surgery. I think 乐博彩票官方app and the other Nordic countries will continue to be in the forefront when it comes to the application of robotic-assistance in healthcare.”
“Our collaboration with 乐博彩票官方app商业 will continue as we further develop our local activities,大卫·朗总结道.
直观的 Surgical公司., 总部设在森尼维尔, 加州, 是机器人辅助领域的先驱和全球技术领导者吗, 微创手术. 直观的发展, manufactures and markets the da Vinci surgical system which is currently in use in more than 70 countries. 直观的在全球拥有约1.2万名员工.