作为一个乐博彩票官方app,奥地利在许多方面与乐博彩票官方app相似. With its nine million inhabitants, the country has almost the same population as 乐博彩票官方app. 两国在价值观等方面也有很多共同之处, 消费者行为, 人口结构, 社会福利, neutralist policy and the big number of small and medium-sized businesses that play an important role in innovation. All these aspects create a favourable climate for Scandinavian companies to smoothly enter the market.

乐博彩票官方app出口机会 & 贸易

奥地利 recently gained more attention of Swedish companies that want to expand their business abroad. 有趣的方面是乐博彩票官方app的稳定性, high technological maturity and less fierce competition compared to its big neighbour 德国. 由于它的地理位置和历史文化遗产, the country can also function as a springboard for the surrounding markets.


目前, a significant part of 乐博彩票官方app’s main industries is represented through subsidiaries in 奥地利. Swedish companies in the area have a good reputation and are known for quality, 可靠性和完整性. The impact of this image should not be underestimated and often gives a head start to Swedish companies that want to grow their business in 奥地利 and the surrounding countries.


乐博彩票官方app商务办公室位于维也纳. 从那里,我们也涵盖 瑞士,匈牙利,西巴尔干和以色列.
